Author Topic: Vehicle turning sim few questions  (Read 2726 times)


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Vehicle turning sim few questions
« on: June 05, 2022, 11:22:19 AM »
hi, I have few questions regarding this function. There is a very steep and narrow path that I am analyzing. No standard vehicle could go through. So I am analyzing if 3 wheel tow tractor (1m wide) could. It has one wheel in front axle and two wheels on second. It would also pull a cart. This vehicle has very small minimum turning radius and great maneuverability, that is why it is chosen. Based on drawings and specs that I have, front wheel could turn in angle of 70 degrees. I tried few offered vehicles ( aashto p-t and sweden 24m) and adjusted them to this vehicle. I got better results with Sweden 24m truck because cart with two axles can go trough tighter corners. So questions are: can sim draw one wheel in front axle instead of two, and can I adjust size of wheels. For some reason wheels are huge, 1m in diameter, I want to reduce them to 35-40 cm, as they are on this specific vehicle.


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Re: Vehicle turning sim few questions
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2022, 07:38:32 AM »

A three wheel tractor doesn't use a Ackerman steering principle. However you can do the calculation with any type of truck since all calculations is based on a point placed in the middle of the two front wheels will follow the steering path. That point would be same if you use a three wheel tractor.

Copy a vehicle and save it as your tractor, set vehicle width and change wheel turning to 70 degrees. Be sure to use same units (Vehicle Path Units and Direction) as in your drawing when you edit the values.

Wheel size can't be changed by the user, it follows standard truck sizes and are for illustration only. However there are swept lines generated from the outer wheel shoulder, this is only relevant if the wheel width is wider than the body.
You can delete wheel by exploding the final block or change layer settings for Wheel outline and Tyre Tread and turn off that layer.
