MSTools for Microstation V8i and Connect
Developed by Lars Karlsson

This tool is designed to run with Microstation. Most commands are based on Civil work but other Microstation users might benefit as well. The developing process started in 2012 and is now paused. I have decided to distribute this software "as it is" in current status as freeware.

The majority of MSTools commands works as they where designed. However some commands may end up with unexpected result or mailfunction, as a user you should make backup copies of critical work.

Download latest version  Build 70, 2025-01-23 (MSI installation file)

If you get a message box saying "Microstation is not running! Start Microstation and try again, and you have only one instance of Microstation running you can try to run MSTools and Microstation as administrator. Right click on MSTools and Microstation's desktop shortcut and select "Run as administrator"

Download ZIP-file Build 70, 2025-01-23. Portable version, no installation is needed. Extract all Zipped files to a USB drive or folder. Execute MSTools by selecting "MSTools.exe" from File Explorer, right click and select "Run as Administrator"

Revision history

Short Video of Title Block Manager (no audio): TitleBlockManager.mp4

Current commands

Cells  Cell Explorer => Group on any column and print report
Update Cell Tags
 => Update Cell Tags in multiple Drawings (Title Block Manager)
Circle/Ellips Export Circles/Elipses to Excel
Convert  Convert Curve to lineString
Convert LineString to Shape
Convert Shape to LineString
Drafting  Annotate Line Slope or length => Annotate slopes in profiles and cross sections (%, ‰ or Ratio)

Draw from Coordinates => Draw objects by pasting coordinates into a column grid (from Excel)
- Cell at Station and Offset from LineString
- Cell at point Circle at Station and Offset from LineString
- Circle at point
- LineString vertices Text at Station and Offset from LineString
- Text at point

Elements  Flatten Elements 
Levels  Set Active Level by Element
View Display off by Element
Lines  Annotate Linestring Elevation
Change Element LineStyle Corner Mode
Delete Zero Lenght Lines
Export Line/LineString to Excel
Level Out LineString
=> Change vertices elevations based on Start and End Elevation
Line Explorer
=> Group on any column and print report
Remove Duplicate vertices
Simplify LineString
Slope Direction arrows
=> Ditch Slope Arrows based on slope and direction, detect flat sections
Table Edit LineString
(Edit vertex elevation in column grid)
Transverse lines
(Slope Direction Pattern)
Annotate Linestring Elevation
Export Line/LineString to Excel
Measure  Measure Distance With Slope
Miscellaneous  Open Folder (opens active drawing/reference folder with Explorer)
PDF Document Stamper
(Stamps PDF-files in folder)
Tip Book (Store Your own notes in this NoteBook)
Vehicle Turning Simulations
References Reference Display off by Element
Text  Apply Text Background (Mask text)
Export Text to Excel
Flip Text Up
Rotate Text by Element
Set Active Text Height by Object
Text Explorer
 => Group on any column and print report
View Rotate View by Element

Image of Cell Tag Editor (Title Block Manager)


Image of Line Explorer 


Image of Report from Line Explorer 


Image of Slope Arrows 


Image of Output from Slope Arrows  


Image of Measure Distance and Slope 


Image of vehicle Turning 

Image of Table Edit LineString