Yes that os possible.
- First you create a new surface (or import triangles from graphics, using the import surface in Edit/View form).
- Then convert your 2DPolyline to 3Dpolyline using CadTools Convert command.
- Finally you use "Edit/View" command, load your surface and then use the drape command.
This procedure will drop the polyline onto the triangles and insert a vertex at every crossing with a triangle leg. As an option you can drape only original line vertices (useful if you creating a drainage pipe)
If your 2DPolyline contain arcs they will be converted to 3Dline elements due to the fact that a 3Dpolyline only can contain straight line elements. You can use the Setting "Chord height" in the General tab to manipulate the accuracy (default value is 0,01, a lower value will increase the accuracy)