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CadTools General / Re: Donation for Registration Issues
« Last post by Lars on February 03, 2025, 12:23:59 PM »

I've sent you a personal message that solves your problem.

CadTools General / Donation for Registration Issues
« Last post by 128gbit on February 02, 2025, 04:02:31 PM »

I've just found CadTools recently and i found it very useful.
I really want to register and unlock more features but unfortunately, when i'm trying to donate whit PayPal, it says "Donation to this recipient aren't supported in this country".

So, is there any other way to donate ?.
It would be very helpful, thanks.
CadTools General / Re: ZWCAD 2025 not being recognised (wrong version)
« Last post by Lars on January 17, 2025, 12:41:30 PM »
Great that it worked!

CadTools General / Re: ZWCAD 2025 not being recognised (wrong version)
« Last post by PDobbs on January 17, 2025, 11:28:51 AM »
Hi Lars,

You are correct - run both as Admin and it works - many thanks  ;D
CadTools General / Re: ZWCAD 2025 not being recognised (wrong version)
« Last post by Lars on January 16, 2025, 09:22:03 AM »
This is probably due to adminstrator priveliges.
Try to run booth ZWCAD and CadTools as administrator.

CadTools General / ZWCAD 2025 not being recognised (wrong version)
« Last post by PDobbs on January 15, 2025, 03:39:04 PM »
Hi, I've just moved from Autocad to ZWCAD but unfortunately CADTools is not recognising ZWCAD - it's set correctly in the settings as far as I can see...

Any thoughts/advice?

Thanks in advance and have a good afternoon  :D
CadTools General / Re: Cross sections in non regular intervals
« Last post by Xenofon on December 17, 2024, 10:53:04 AM »
Yes I am aware of the current procedure... I am using it already as described. "All stations as cross sections" works like a charm for "normal" situations... I was just hoping someone might have an idea that could speed things up for my working scenario where unfortunately the section intervals are not equal and the procedure needs to be repeated for multiple sections, multiple times.

Still thanks for creating cad tools. It has saved me so many times!!!
CadTools General / Re: Cross sections in non regular intervals
« Last post by Lars on December 16, 2024, 10:03:27 PM »

I'm sorry but there is no such function in CadTools. However you can type in any station in the input box named "Station" and then hit the Refresh button. This procedure will place the cross Section preview at that station.

To plot that section (current Section) select any of the two options "Current Station as Cross Section" or "Current Station as 3D section". The first option will let you select a point for the cross section, the latter option will plot a 3D section placed at correct location relative to the alignment (selected 3D polyline).

After plotting the Cross Section you may enter a new station, hit "Refresh" and repeat the plotting etc.

CadTools General / Cross sections in non regular intervals
« Last post by Xenofon on December 16, 2024, 03:32:57 PM »

I was wondering how easy it would be to add functionality to create cross sections along alignment in irregular intervals (possibly by reading stations from a file). Or if someone has figured out how to do it using the current cad tools version, I would really appreciate your input!!!

Thanks a lot for your time and Lars, thank you for this little gem of software. It's a life saver...
CadTools General / Re: CadTools support for autocad 13
« Last post by Lars on November 24, 2024, 04:18:00 PM »

If you use CadTools version 766 you will find all supported CAD version currently installed in your computer. AutoCAD 2013 is Named "AutoCAD.Application.19" and should be in your Cadversion list in CadTools settings.

If you type in ACADVER in your command line you will get ACADVER ="19.0" as answer, so you should select "AutoCAD.Application.19 in the List.

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