Dear Friends,
Iam attaching one Script file which can be used to plot 3d Point and Point Code Text on it in separate layers.
Thanks & Rgds
MVRAO, this is a pretty handy script, thanks for sharing (and I learned a new Excel command). I tried using another shareware program, but I think it requires '06 and above? I only have 00i. It is called ABCAutoCAD_ImportPoints.exe and can be found at, It loads but then crashed the first time I try to issue a command. Short of a commercial package, your script looks to be the fastest way to import a larger group of points by point code / layer / etc... I have found some others Lisps that dump eveything on the same layer.
Lars, I just starting to use the Export command to extract from AutoCAD back to Excel and then my data collector for field stakeout. I know you're intentions are not headed towards a full blown commercial package but this might be an area to add some features to?